Thursday, 2 February 2012

Creature Trouble

One of my poetic compositions from school in Primary 6. We only had an hour so it's not very good.

The janitor came in,
With a large box.
It was tall, up to my chin.
We all guessed: Adventure Box! Then –
Oooo! Spooky!
The box wiggled and wobbled
And out flew a swan!
It stared at us – 32 gaping mouths,
Ruffled its feathers,
And up it flew.
We screamed as the lights came crashing down,
Shrieked as the fans swung round and around.
Our books flew,
Paper blew.
The classroom became a “chaosroom”.
Everyone tried their best,
To shoo it back to its nest.
Tracy tried with a recorder,
It didn’t quite work.
Wendy tried with a water bottle,
That didn’t work either.
The saviour came in,
The janitor took off his shoe,
In the air it spun.
The swan flew out,
And the class cheered.
The party stopped,
A moan came from the back.
“Ouch! I’ve been hit by a boot!”
“I’m gonna faint, you janitor brute!”
Her last words were,
“Anyway, I could’ve done that.”

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